الطاقة البديلة وتكييف الهواء
معدات صناعية
وصف المنتج
Produced in Italy by NLMK Verona, which is become an undisputed producer of high quality forged blocks and bars, the ingots are available in a wide range of grades: •Case hardening steel •Heat treatable steel •Creep resistance steel •Martensitic stainless steel •Ball and roller bearing steel •Tool steel •Micro alloy steel •Nitriding steel •Tough at subzero steel •Pressure Vessel steel Applications : Oil & gas, wind power generation, shipbuilding, heavy engineering, nuclear power, automotive, etc. Category Case hardening steel Heat treatable steel Creap resistance steel Martensitic stainless steel Ball and roller bearing steel Tool steel Micro alloy steel Nitriding steel Tought at subzero steel Pressure vessel steel
مناطق التجارة
الطاقة البديلة وتكييف الهواء, معدات صناعية
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