Рынок строительства, строительства и промышленности
Механическое и промышленное оборудование
Описание продукта
To align the wheels of vehicles in the event of reduced maneuvering spaces in the most appropriate direction to approach the loading platform, the aligners are a valid help, they allow the wheels to settle and reach the platform without the slightest error; all this while protecting the structure of the sealing portal or the loading platform at the point of loading and unloading goods, equipment and machinery located outside the building. »COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS: Dir. 89/391 / EEC (European directive aimed at promoting the improvement of the safety and health of workers at work) Legislative Decree 81/08 (consolidated text on occupational health and safety) Reg. 852/2004 / EC (European regulation describing the general requirements applicable to the workplace in which food products are prepared, processed and transformed) EN 12899-1 (technical-functional requirements for the manufacture of permanent vertical road signs)
Торговые зоны
Рынок строительства, строительства и промышленности, Механическое и промышленное оборудование
Рынок строительства, строительства и промышленности, Механическое и промышленное оборудование
Рынок строительства, строительства и промышленности, Механическое и промышленное оборудование
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