Savunma Sanayii - Güvenlik
Yangın Sistemleri
Ürün/Hizmet Açıklaması
Pressure Relief Valve maintain safe water supply pressure inside the pipe to prevent sudden increase of pressure that would damage the system by releasing exceeded pressure. Pressure Relief Valve is apply in Fire Protection Systems, specially Fire Pump system to maintain and protect system from over pressure. How to adjust Pilot operated Pressure Relief Valve? Step 1: Open upstream valve. Step 2: Loose the lock nut of the controller adjustment screw and turn adjusting screw counterclockwise until lowest outlet pressure. Step 3: Pressure Gauge on the valve indicate inlet pressure. Step 4: Adjust the controller adjustment screw clockwise to the pressure required. Step 5: Fasten up lock nut. Features No Conduit, Compacted size for easier Transportation, Installation, Maintenance and Repair. Releases pressure once pipeline pressure exceed set-pressure. Pressure Release valve is suitable for general liquids and gases.
Ticaret alanları
Savunma Sanayii - Güvenlik, Yangın Sistemleri
Savunma Sanayii - Güvenlik, Yangın Sistemleri
Savunma Sanayii - Güvenlik, Yangın Sistemleri
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