Hizmet Sektörü
Ticari ve Kurumsal Faaliyetler
Ürün/Hizmet Açıklaması
We offer you the following services: - Regulatory Advice - REACH Registration - Preparation of Registration Dossiers - Read Across - IUCLID - Robust Study Summaries - Chemical Safety Report / CSR - Toxicological Expertise - Optimal Test Strategy Development - REACH Testing: Tests and Studies acc. GLP - REACH Study Monitoring - SVHC Screening - Risk Assessment - REACh Compliance Service / REACh Auditing Service - REACH Material Safety Data Sheets We would also be happy to be your REACH service provider, who reliably looks after your REACH projects, just as we already do for many other satisfied customers. For more information please contact INVITRO-CONNECT GmbH. Fast Project Execution: personal - competent - reliable --> contact@invitro-connect.com REACH Service - All REACH laboratory tests - Phys-Chem / Tox / in vitro tests / Genotox / Ecotox, etc. - More than 80 test laboratories - Study monitoring, Regulatory Service, IUCLID 6, CSR etc.
Ticaret alanları
Hizmet Sektörü, Ticari ve Kurumsal Faaliyetler
Hizmet Sektörü, Ticari ve Kurumsal Faaliyetler
Hizmet Sektörü, Ticari ve Kurumsal Faaliyetler
Hizmet Sektörü, Ticari ve Kurumsal Faaliyetler
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