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Posca Romania with an ancient touch of a grape Secco Trockenbeerenauslese ' 8 -year -old balzamic vinegar refined red grape Secco.It is made of natural materials as 2000 years ago - non -alcoholic and caffeinated - naturally revitalizes!Thin Botrytis note (noble maturity), the highest degree & quot; Trockenbeerenauslese & quot;It comes from balsamic vinegar made of wines.Balzamic vinegar is stored in wooden barrels for 8 years.Everything, St.The & quot; heavy & quot;, which is obtained from Laurent grapes, is transported by hand -selected and slightly squeezed fruit juice.The Secret Roman Legions of Gerolamo Cardano (the Italian Doctor and Humanist of the 16th Century) attributed the superiority of Roman legionaries to their well-eating and the most simple form of a vinegar-bal-water mixture to Posca.Hippocrates and Hildegard von Bingen swore the health -developing effects of vinegar.Modern medicine confirms that vinegar contains fibers such as potassium and pectin as well as basic vitamins, minerals and work elements.Acetic acid is important in connection with the fragmentation of fats and carbohydrates as well as the transformation of the protein in the body.Surprisingly, vinegar does not produce acid in the body, it creates a more alkaline reaction and makes a positive contribution to the acid-base balance in the body.In addition, high potassium content has a particularly acidic relieving effect.In addition, vinegar has a positive effect on stomach and intestinal complaints and kidney and bladder zone complaints.

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Warwitzstrasse 9 Salzburg 5023
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