
About the company

Since 1885, more than 20 million bicycles have been built in Bielefeld.This success story began with the industrial development of the city in the late 19th century following the expansion of the city with bicycle production.At the end of the 1920s, the industry in Bielefeld would turn into more than 100 bicycle manufacturers.The enthusiasm of riding a bike described the city view even then.His passion for bicycle was already evident during the construction of the first bike track of Bielefeld in 1885.At that time, the daring races were held on the Gadderbaual race track.The 1953 construction cycle rink in the Heeper road is quite different.Hochradbahn is 333.33 meters long.It is one of the fastest concrete in Europe due to its high -riiced turns.Bielefeld is still known for the bicycle industry.A long history full of innovation and traditions.As Gudereit, we are proud to do our part.Our company, which was founded in 1949, is three generations in Bielefeld.Gudereit, which is always guided by high standards and is open to new developments, has continuously set standards in the sector.Gudereit Olympic Bikes won on racing bikes and entered professional world championships.At the beginning of 1990s, Gudereit was one of the first producers focused on the development of trekking bikes.It is our motivation to be part of a whole, to experience and write history.

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1-4 employees



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Am Strebkamp 14
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