
About the company

The roots of allgäuer ã - lmühle (Allgüğü Petrol Factory) are in the heart of the Allgügu region in Southern Germany.Thanks to the healing effects of being in nature and healthy nutrition for people's health treatments and & quot; just because it is good for you & quot;This is where he goes on vacation.The company was founded in 2004 and is located in the beautiful Ostallgãgu district in the east, just a few minutes of driving away from Rückholz / Nesselwang (A7 / 138).Cold squeezing vegetable oils are the most valuable components and energy sources for healthy and balanced diet.It attaches great importance to using the best raw products and we process oil seeds and shelled feeds that are organically produced from local sources as much as possible.We can also press special materials on your request and bottled them one by one.If you want to stop by, please call us quickly in advance.Since someone is usually someone in our organic farm, we do not have a fixed working hour.A few years ago, we carried our production facility to the Kempten in the center of allgã¤ua.

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Company Statistics


Foundation Year

1-4 employees



Annual Turnover

Company Videos

Trade Areas

Heisinger Str. 45