Construction, Construction Market and Industrial
Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Product Description
TROE è stata appositamente progettata per la troncatura di tavole non refilate contorte e divise da crepe TROE was especially designed for crosscutting non-trimmed planks that are twisted and separated by cracks Le tronçonneuse a été spécialement projectèe pour le découpe de panneaux reconstitués, torsadés et séparés par des fissures TROE está especialmente diseñada para el corte de tableros sin cantear, retorcidas y separadas por fisuras TROE foi especialmente desenvolvida para o corte de tábuas não cortadas, torcidas e separadas por rachaduras TROE wurde speziell für das Schneiden von verzogenen und gespaltenen unbesäumten Brettern entwickelt Pilarka poprzeczna TROE została specjalnie zaprojektowana do cięcia desek nieprzyciętych, skrzywionych i podzielonych przez pęknięcia Торцовочный станок TROE был разработан для обработки скрученных досок, нескрученных и досок с трещинами Pila TROE dizajnirana je posebno za rezanje neobrezanih i savijenih ploča koje su odvojene pukotinama
Trade Areas
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
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