Chemistry, medicine and medical
Medical Products - Health
Product Description
Notable features of Malaria Rapid Test Reliable and inexpensive Convenient and easytounderstand directions Clear preparation procedures Simple and safe specimen collection directions Comprehensive package of required materials and components Rapid and accurate test results Diagnostic Automation Inc. also offers other Infectious Diseases Rapid tests, and Infectious Diseases ELISA test kits. For more information about Rapid tests, CLIA tests, IFA kits, or ELISA test kits. Malaria Rapid Test Principle A rapid test for the qualitative detection of Malaria pf and pv antigen in human blood sample. The Malaria pf (HRP II) / pv (LDH) Antigen Test contains a membrane strip, which is precoated with two monoclonal antibodies as two separate lines across a test strip. One monoclonal antibody(test line 1) is specific to the P. falciparum histidine rich protein2 (PfHRP2) and another monoclonal antibody (test line 2) is specific to the lactate
Trade Areas
Chemistry, medicine and medical, Medical Products - Health
Chemistry, medicine and medical, Medical Products - Health
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