Construction, Construction Market and Industrial
Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Product Description
Walkway covers (profiles for walkways) er 3mm plader lavet i høj kvalitets glasfiber, hvor små skarpe silicium sten er blevet indstøbt i pladernes overflade. Dette garanterer en optimal friktion under alle forhold – og er derfor langt mere sikker at færdes på end riste eller dørkplader, da walkway covers ikke bliver glatte når de bliver våde af vand, olie eller fedt. Walkways are often large areas where there is a risk of horizontal slipping. We define corridors, hallways, lobbies, access roads, escape routes or other thoroughfares as typical walkways. Real Safety can help you to make walkways as visible and slip-proof as possible.
Trade Areas
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
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