
Electric snowmobile «Sniejik Sport»


Service industry


Product Description

Electric snowmobile «Sniejik Sport»;

Sniejik is a lightweight electric snowmobile. It allows you to travel effectively in winter on the snow and in summer on the sand, gravel or swamp. For this purpose, a wheel can be installed instead of a ski. Snow scooter has unique features and advantages over gasoline analogs. Main advantages: 1) It doesn’t weigh much. One person can lift and drag over an obstacle; 2) Folded in the trunk of a car. It is disassembled into separate modules and fits into your wagon or hatchback; 3) The electric motor runs silently. Can be used in a park near your home; 4) You don’t need rights to control or special certificates; 5) The cost is lower than its analogues; 6) No gasoline or oil, you can store it at home or on the balcony; 7) It is charged from the home electric mains (socket). You can also charge it in your car; 8) The battery is quickly removed and installed. You can take an extra battery with you and increase the distance.

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