Construction, Construction Market and Industrial
Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Product Description
TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLERİ AGREGA BUNKERİHazne Adedi : 4x12 m3 Toplam Hazne : 48 m3 ÇİMENTO SİLOSUKapasitesi : 100 ton – 1 adet ÇİMENTO HELEZON KONVEYÖRÜ1 Adet, Ø 219mm x 10000 mm WAM ÇİMENTO SİLOSU EKİPMANLARIÜst ve alt seviye ölçerler WAM AGREGA TARTIM KANTARI1 m3 Load cell : 4 x 5000 kg, ZMC(HOLAND) KARIŞTIRICI MİKSER1 m3 Kapasiteli ÇİMENTO TARTI HAZNESİTartı Kapasitesi:600 kg,Load Cell :500 kg x 3 , ZMC(HOLAND) SU TARTI HAZNESİTartı Kapasitesi : 400 kg, LoadCell :500 kg x 2 , ZMC(HOLAND) KATKI HAZNESİTartı Kapasitesi : 40 kg ,Loadcell : 100 kg x 1 ,ZMC(HOLAND) HAVA VALFLERİ PANOSUSEMAKMATİK(ITALY) , Kompresör 900 LT/dak , LUPAMAT BETON SANTRALİ OTOMASYONUSIEMENS KARIŞTIRICI MİKSER SEÇENEKLERİTek Şaftlı Tip , Planet Tip , Pan Tip KUMANDA KABİNİ (1 ADET)1 Unit, 2.4 x 1.2 x 2.2 m
Trade Areas
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
Construction, Construction Market and Industrial, Mechanical and Industrial Equipment
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