Clothing and accessories
Leather Products and Shoes
Clothing and accessories
Textile and apparel products
Clothing and accessories
Baby Products and Accessories
Clothing and accessories
Sports and equipment
Product Description
Die TESS Primaloft-Socke ist die ideale Lösung für kalte Tage. Primaloft hat hervorragende Wärmeeigenschaften. In Verbindung mit der Ceramicfaser wird zusätzlich ein optimiertes Fußklima geschaffen. Isolfil mit der hydrophoben Eigenschaft isoliert zusätzlich den Fußsohlenbereich. Das ergonomische Polster und die anatomische Passform komplettieren mit den flachen Nähten im Zehenbereich und den soften Abschlüssen an der Wade die außergewöhlichen Trageeigenschaften. Die Verwendung von Codura minimiert das Durchscheuern an der Ferse und an den Zehen und ist somit die Lösung für Schuhe mit Zehenkappen.
Trade Areas
Clothing and accessories, Leather Products and Shoes, Clothing and accessories, Textile and apparel products, Clothing and accessories, Baby Products and Accessories, Clothing and accessories, Sports and equipment
Clothing and accessories, Leather Products and Shoes, Clothing and accessories, Textile and apparel products, Clothing and accessories, Baby Products and Accessories, Clothing and accessories, Sports and equipment
Clothing and accessories, Leather Products and Shoes, Clothing and accessories, Textile and apparel products, Clothing and accessories, Baby Products and Accessories, Clothing and accessories, Sports and equipment
Clothing and accessories, Leather Products and Shoes, Clothing and accessories, Textile and apparel products, Clothing and accessories, Baby Products and Accessories, Clothing and accessories, Sports and equipment
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