Manufacturing industry
Industrial Products
About the company
HODA is the capital company of Lithuania, one of the largest plastic injection molders of the Baltic countries with its 5400 m² production facility and 3500 m² storage facility.Currently, UAB HADA employs more than 230 qualified personnel.Our goal is to produce excellent quality products and meet the customer's needs for a competitive price.Currently, the company operates 71 injection molding machines that provide flexibility to produce different size and purposeful plastic parts from six parts of the gram to six kilograms of mass.HADA, UAB Services: Mold Step Manufacturing, Plastic Injection Molding, End Molding, DC (Double Component) Injection Molding, Gas Supported Injection Molding, Thermoset Molding, Plastic Belowing Molding, Decoration, Ducation Printing, SERIAf, Wet Paint, Installation and Packaging,Local and International Delivery.
Company Statistics
Foundation Year
1-4 employees
Annual Turnover
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